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Annual Model Making Competition

The N Gauge Society held an Annual Model Making Competition that took place during the exhibition that precedes the Annual General Meeting. However due to a combination of logistical difficulties and the resignation of the then Competition Co-ordinator, together with the advent of Covid, there was no AGM and no competition in 2020, and in 2021 the AGM was held online and thus, again, there was no competition.

For the time being, the competition has been replaced by a regular ‘Members’ Showcase’ feature in the Society journal. However, if any member feels that the competition could and should be revived and is willing to volunteer for the position of AMMC Co-ordinator, please contact the Chairman.

For more information please see

Role Of Honour

Previous Competition Winners

Entry Classes

A1 Presidents Shield Any steam locomotive with a scratch built body and/or chassis
A2The Locomotive CupAny Diesel or Electric locomotive, including any self propelled maintenance vehicle, with a scratchbuilt body and/or chassis
B1Chairman’s ShieldAny steam locomotive with kit built or modified bodies
B2Vardalu ShieldAny Diesel or Electric locomotive, including any self propelled maintenance vehicle, with kit built or modified bodies
CMultiple Unit TrophyDiesel or electric multiple units, including HSTs
DJohn Warner CupPassenger stock – all types of passenger, parcels and TPO rolling stock
ERolling StockCupFreight stock – all types including all permanent way vehicles which are not self propelled
FBuilding CupAll types of buildings or line side structures but excluding signals or line side equipment
GRatio CupSignals and line side equipment e.g. loading gauges
HP&D Marsh CupAll types of road vehicles
IGraham Farish TrophyGraham Farish Trophy. Awarded to the best small working layout, not exceeding 8 square feet in area
JThe N Gauge Society Supreme TrophyThe winners of each section of the Annual Model Making Competition, including the winner of Class ‘M’, will be judged together and the model considered to be the ‘Best in Show’ will receive the trophy
KPECO CupThe winner of this group will be the author of the article adjudged to have been the best published in one or more of the six Society Journals in the year prior to the date of the competition. This winner will be selected by the Board of Peco Publications & Publicity Ltd and notified to the General Secretary prior to the date of the competition
LThe Matt Ascough TrophyFor the best contribution by a member to the Society aims of promoting the Society’s Area Groups. Contributions may be in the form of models produced, articles written or any other commendable action.
MPast Winners TrophyRestricted to members who have previously been awarded a Cup or Trophy in a Society Annual Model Making Competition, who are thus disqualified from entering a model in that particular class, for a maximum period of two years, in accordance with Rule 13
NRoy Stanley TrophyAwarded to the best diorama, modelled in N Gauge, on any subject, but with preference being given to railway orientated scenes. Entries shall be no greater than four square feet in area.
OFleischmann TrophyAwarded to the best model of a non-British prototype entered into any of the other clasess.
PThe Andy Calvert Memorial TrophyMember’s Award, awarded to the model which receives the most votes on the day as cast by the members themselves.
QKeith Robbins Memorial TrophyBest model not covered by another class, including models that are the work of more than one member of the Society.
RDapol TrophyComplete Train – awarded to the best model of a complete train, consisting of at least one locomotive and one item of rolling stock. Diesel or electric multiple units, including HSTs such as can be entered in Class C are also eligible.